Looking for a divorce mediator in Andover? Choose
wisely. Finding the right professional to work with will make all the difference.
Step 1: Getting Started with Divorce Mediators Andover
Search the web for andover divorce mediators. You will likely find mediator associations, attorney directories and specific mediation firms.
The primary association for Massachusetts Mediators is the Mass Council of Family Mediation (MCFM). Competent and experienced mediators join the association to keep up with education and promote the process of mediation.
Some Mediators are also Attorneys. You may also find Attorney information and directories that give you information about the Mediator, their location and contact information and may also provide a rating for that Attorney/Mediator and possibly some former client testimonials.
Of course individual firms will be listed locally on the web. These local listings will give you access to the firm websites where you can learn more about the professionals, their philosophy about divorce mediation and the mediation itself.
Step 2: Do Your Background Research on the Professionals
A Skilled Divorce Mediator should have the experience and knowledge about the following issues in order to be best able to educate you and help you explore your options on how to handle each issue.
The Professional should have experience and knowledge about:
- The practice of divorce mediation
- Massachusetts divorce law and applicable statutes
- Options for your real estate
- Retirement concerns
- Health and Life insurance
- Child support and Alimony
- Budgeting
- College issues
- prepare the necessary and applicable court paperwork for you
- prepare a separation/divorce agreement for you
It’s also good to find out if:
The Divorce Mediator will allow for a free introduction to explain what mediation is, the issues that will be addressed during the divorce mediation process, the Mediator’s style of practice, and what the couple should be prepared for throughout the process.
Step 3: Identify your goals and issues
What concerns, desires do you have about the divorce mediation process itself?
What concerns, desires do you have about your financial, emotional and overall status be when all is said and done.
In identifying your goals and issues some things to consider include the following:
- Are there children involved
- Is there family health insurance plan
- Are there assets/liabilities to divide
- How much income is coming into the home
- What will each person’s financial needs be after the divorce
- Is there a need for and an ability to pay spousal support
- Is there a business/real estate to value
- What retirement funds/pensions do you each have
Step 4: Take Action
After going through Steps 1 through 3, you should now have the knowledge you need and be ready to choose your Divorce Mediator. Congratulations! There is only one step left and that is for you to TAKE ACTION and make contact with the Divorce Mediator Professional.