
10 Things To Do After Your Divorce Mediation Is Final


Although the divorce is final in the eyes of the Massachusetts court, there are many tasks left to be completed.

This list will help to get you started in planning for your new situation and tend to the details of your divorce agreement.

1. Estate Planning Documents

Have a new will , health care directive, power of attorney and living will updated or prepared as laws may change the effectiveness of these documents automatically.

2. Qualified Domestic Relation Orders 

Follow through with any retirement transfers in your agreement by filing documents with your employer and the court as necessary.

3. Transferring Assets

Transfer joint or sole assets as agreed in the separation agreement (real estate, auto, bank accounts, bonds, investment accounts).

4. Insurance Policies

Review and change any homeowner, auto and umbrella liability policies as may be necessary.

5. Employment Matters

Notify your employer as necessary to change beneficiaries of death benefits, retirement benefits and/or health benefits.

6. Beneficiary Designations

Confirm that any agreed upon life insurance, disability insurance is in effect, has the proper beneficiary designated and there is a way for you to be notified if the premiums are not being paid timely

7. Financial Issues

Contact or start a relationship with a financial person to plan your retirement, review your investments in light of your new situation.

8. Name Change Notifications

If you have changed your name, contact motor vehicle department, social security, the IRS and others who need to know.

9. Credit Cards

Establish credit in your own name; write to present credit card companies to confirm card holders and names on the account.

10. Children’s School

Send a letter to your child’s school notifying them to add a second address for all school announcements and report cards if you are sharing custody.

Don’t let these loose ends trip you up!

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